

Pissed off and love spy?

Facebook gave me a great shit talk last nite.

I don't know this girl but still I approved her friend request (as I thought she was my friend or my friend's friend). We've been 'befriending' on Facebook and became simply mute friend. I hate that. Abruptly, she buzzed me on my chat thing (IM) and made me successfully removed her from my friends list right after that. Yes, girl, if you read this please notice that you made me wanna puke on your face.

Girl : Hai
Me : Hai.
Girl : You know Mr XX
Me : Yes I know him. But gitu-gitu ajelah. Tak rapat.
Girl : Ouh, macam mana kenal dia.
Me : Satu campus kan.
Girl : Ouh, dia ramai peminat tak?
Me : *WTF!* Yang tu tak tahu lah.
Girl : Apesal tak tahu pulak? Kan kenal?
Me : *kepala hotak kau lah perempuan ingat aku ni jaga tepi suar dia ke?* Memang lah kenal tapi tak tahu pulak kalau ade orang minat dia.
Girl : Dia macam mana kat U? Selalu tak nampak dia keluar dengan perempuan ke?
Me : -_-" Tak perasan pulak. *kau ingat aku takde keje nak tengok je dia tu??*
Girl : Ouh, takpe lah. I thought you ni boleh dipercayai.
Me : ..

Click profile this Girl, 'REMOVE FROM FRIEND'. Click. Senyum. *huahuahua*
Kepala hotak kau lah perempuan! Tak percaya aku udah. Tak heran pun! Kan dah kene removed. Padan muka.

Haish. Macam ni punya orang pun ada. Hey girl, let me tell you this straight, if you wanna 'hire' someone as your spy pun, berpada-padalah, when I say, I hardly know that guy, confirm lah I memang tak ambil tahu hal dia. Tak payalah cakap you thought I can be trusted. Hello, I sentap tahu tak?

Yang Sentap.

p/s : Nak hire I jadi spy boyfriend you? We can talk business babe. *winks*


Sesopie said...

Wah wah.Nak cari spy boyfee.. U jd spy i kat Klebang leh? pretty please. *puke*
Cam benong seyh

nurulainabdrazak said...

i ade sorg macamtu!
and i removed and then she added me back for several times!
haih..memang tak reti bahasa.;p

GincoMerahJambu said...

wahahahaha..ptt sngt bt cm2...

Didiey R. said...

Sofie : berapa upa sejam? hahaha

Didiey R. said...

nurul ain : annoying kan perempuan mcm ni. Hope kita tak tergolong.

Didiey R. said...

Syie : high 5!